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So you need a breadcrumbs script? Why not ServerSideGuy.com ?

We recently had a breadcrumb script request and I thought I'd share what we decided to do. We will do this in javascript so that it is not bound to a specific server.
This is for more basic site layouts and revolved around splicing the window.location.pathname variable.
- You will need jQuery plugged into your site.
- ^ That's about it.
So first make an empty div that you want to hold the breadcrumbs in and give it an id of breadcrumbs.
Then use this script:
function breadcrumbs()
var gretel = "";
var href = window.location.pathname;
var hansel = href.split("/");
for (var i=2;i<(hansel.length-1);i++) {
» ";
var url = gretel;
The result will look something like this: Home » Hansel » Gretel
This is a simple solution for parsing out your URL into breadcrumbs.