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How do i get all the taxonomies of a node to render in Drupal7?
After following a tutorial for getting the taxonomy terms of a node, I found that I still didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle. Doing a foreach over $tags = $node->field_tags; would just give a disappointing one result with those nodes had more than one taxonomy assigned to it. (The other 3 were being lost in the code abyss!)
This was solved by digging a little deeper into the object that was return:
<div class="tagsList views-field-field-tags">
<? $tags = $node->field_tags['und']; ?>
Tags: <? $count = 0;
foreach($tags as $tag){
if($count > 0){echo ", ";}
echo '<a href="'.taxonomy_term_path($tag['taxonomy_term']).'">'.$tag['taxonomy_term']->name.'</a>';
} ?>
Turns out i had to go one layer deeper to loop the tags object as the language code is undefined. SO now my taxonomies are working great on the node.tpl.php for that feed.