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How Do I Make a Drupal "repeater field" with Field Collections (D7)
Up until now I've been mainly working in WordPress, mainly because of my love for ACF and their abilities to have repeating groups of fields. And I finally found a resource that helped me achieve the same user content manageability using Drupal. First off, you'll need to install the Entity and the Field Collection modules by downlowding the files from the above links and putting the folders in the /sites/all/modules folder. After that don't forget to active them both in the admin at site.com/admin/modules
So now we can start setting ourselves up.
And clear the cache at site.com/admin/config/development/performance
In fact, i just wrote a blog about how many times clearing the cache ended up being my problem.
So now you are ready to tackle the node.tpl.php file. This works for other any of the other template files too, like node–news.tpl.php
And that's all you do! Thank you Rob W for all your contributions to Drupal and teaching me the ways of the Field Collections
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